Please note that from 31 March 2025, our language training prices will be adjusted.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, our advertised prices include all costs, including administration, registration and course materials.

Yes, the minimum number of students in our groups is 3. If there are less than 5 students registered for a group course, we will postpone the course with one week. We will do this up to maximum 4 weeks. As we've got a lot of groups running, you should be able to start within 2 or 3 weeks. Normally, you will however be able to start your language course the week after your registration. If the minimum number of students isn't reached after 4 weeks, Language Teams reserves itself the right to decrease the number of training hours, 1 student: 50% of the training time / 2 students - 75% of the normal training time / 3-8 students - 100% of the normal training time. 


Yes, you can receive a certificate with the number of hours followed and your European end level (A1-C1).

Yes, we organize our live & online language courses per level. In every group a certain difference in levels is however inevitable. Our teachers are perfectly able to differentiate their language courses so that every learner can progress to the maximum of his/her capacities.


Yes. In order to guarantee the interactive and communicative caracter of our small group courses, the maximum number of students in a language course is 8.


Yes. We have got classes starting up every Monday. If you would like to start next Monday, you will have to finalize your registration on Thursday at 5:00 PM at the latest. If you register after 5:00 PM you will automatically be registered for the language course starting one week later.


What our students say